creative branding
I D E N T I T I E S   |   D E S I G N   |   B R A N D S

Brands are my business

With a roughly 40 year professional experience in design, concepting, marketing, communications, policy, consultancy and management, Jan Martin Wilschut is currently Managing Partner at Over & Beyond. Trained as a graphic designer he is a brand specialist and strategist who has created many brands in various industries such as pharmaceuticals; horticulture; hospitality; gaming; fashion; services; healthcare; IT; music and entertainment.

During his career, Jan Martin has successfully designed for or advised a wide variety of (international) companies and organisations including Ford Motor Company; The New York Philharmonic Orchestra; Warner Classical Music; Grolsch Beer; O’Neill; Nestlé; Star/Grand’Italia; GStar; Lost Boys; Turnover; Linteloo; Yewtaxan; Kangaroos; Royal Capi Lux; Teylers Museum; National Carriage Museum of the Netherlands; the Rijksmuseum; iOpener Media, the Pasteur Institute, Newton Classics and Eden Hotels.

Most recently Jan Martin advised Resillion, Maastricht UMC+ and Eden Hotels, all in multi-year, comprehensive and successful projects resulting, in all cases, in a new corporate identity, strategy and company policy.

This website concentrates on commissioned designs for branding, logos and cover designs only and serves as a design portfolio of sorts. Jan Martin designed well over a 1,000 book and CD covers over the years. And he created many brands,  brand names and logos. Don’t hesitate to contact us should you have a commission you want to discuss!

For design work Jan Martin is represented by La Source Impériale BV in the Netherlands and by The Silverberg Company LLC in the United States (New York & Las Vegas).